Chris Brown, Rihanna Tweeting Each Other?
Multiple sources are writing that Chris Brown and Rihanna have been tweeted sweet messages back and forth to each other. This is a bad idea, and Rihanna needs to just leave him alone. First off, it?s really hard to be sure that they are actually sending these tweets to each other. They are not sending messages directly to each other and are definitely not doing Twitter mentions. I?m pretty sure that would violate the terms of their restraining order. Yes, it?s worth mentioning that they have a restraining order against each other until sometime in 2014. That hasn?t stopped them from sending tweets that seem to be obviously meant for each other. Here is the most recent one that has cause people to freak out: @chrisbrown: Love U more than u know! @rihanna: I’ll always love u #1LOVE I?m sure they would be the first to say that those tweets aren?t meant to go together, but one came right after the other. Maybe they think this is the only way they can communicate without getting in trouble. I?m surprised they are even allowed to have each other as Twitter followers. That doesn?t even make sense after what happened. If Rihanna [...]