Dakota Rose Real Life Barbie Known As Kota Koti (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
Dakota Rose is a real life Barbie known to her fans as KotaKoti. She has a very popular youtube channel where she does makeup and hair tutorials on how to look like a real life Barbie. �As of now, it doesn’t look like she is a youtube partner, but she does have over 50,000 subscribers.� Her videos are really unique because it is literally about the tutorial, she does not usually talk at all, and instead adds subtitles explaining what she is doing and why. The videos I have seen where she talks, it is not in English. She is very popular in Asian countries and clearly draws inspiration from�Japanese anime culture. She is pretty private – she does not have a Facebook account, and not much is known about her as a person. She is thought to be between the ages of 16 and 18 but one cannot be sure. She does use Twitter and has a website, which is currently down. reported: ‘Thousands of girls around the world have shown interest in this girl, wanting to look like her. ‘It is a great risk that girls are being influenced in this way.’ I guess [...]