


The 23-year-old unidentified man who accused "Elmo" puppeteer Kevin Clash of engaging in an underaged sexual relationship with him has shockingly recanted his accusations.  Get the deets inside....

What a difference a day makes as puppeteer Kevin Clash has gone from "the accused" to "the vindicated."  Even though his reputation is still sadly smeared.

Without explanation, the 23-year-old who accused Kevin of engaging in a sexual relationship, when he was minor, suddenly remembered that he was at least 18-years-old at the time...and it was consensual.  At least that's what TMZ--the outlet to originally break the news that "a source" told them the boy was under-age--has reported.  SMH. 

The accuser's legal team said, “He wants it to be known that his sexual relationship with Mr. Clash was an adult consensual relationship. He will have no further comment on the matter.”

Kevin responded to his vindication saying, “I am relieved that this painful allegation has been put to rest. I will not discuss it further.”

But you have to wonder, what made the accuser recant?  Did the ACCUSER ever say this in the first place, seeing that TMZ never quoted him, only said "they learned".  The site reports that the accuser's lawyers met with Kevin's lawyer and a financial settlement may have been on the table.  But is that just them covering their asses?  Should people be allowed to willy nilly make felonious accusations with no repercussions...especially when they remain anonymous?  Hmmm.

Also, a few salacious emails between Kevin and the accuser were unearthed where Kevin did discuss things of a sexual nature with the accused....but this was all AFTER he turned 18.  

This may be the last we hear of this but it leaves an unfortunate scar on Kevin's reputation.



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